Collaboration to accelerate action

LOCATION: Old Trafford Football Stadium, Manchester, United Kingdom

Ecolab invites industry leaders and sustainability experts to join us, for an event dedicated to sustainability and unlocking partnerships to accelerate our impact. At this event, we will help industry players uncover best practices and case studies that have delivered tangible sustainable results. Through a mix of panels and keynotes, the participants will build a strong understanding of the external factors that drive decision making and action, from new regulations to geopolitical events.

Image of Old Trafford stadium with text information on a sustainability event


Through a mix of panels and keynotes, the participants will build a strong understanding of the external factors that drive decision making and action, from new regulations to geopolitical events. Join us and hear more from our expert speakers.


Agenda for the sustainability event

The Panelist breakdown

See event app for more details

A list of Panel 1 members

Panel #1

Operationalizing climate & corporate goals

10:20 am

In a challenging economic environment with rising costs and pressure on raw materials, sustainable initiatives can be a business advantage. From logistics, to production, experts across large supply chains will deliver insights into key investments and trends that will help provide environmental benefits, while delivering growth for your business

Panel Q&A members for the sustainability event

Exclusive Q&A with Manchester United

11:45 am

Sustainable innovation and solutions can be simple and effective. We have found many local examples that have delivered great results. Hear from industry peers about how they have overcome an operational challenge with a sustainability initiative.




List of titles and images of panel 2 members

Panel #2

Navigating the regulatory framework

14:45 am

The U.K. Government published its Roadmap to Sustainable Investing in October 2021 in the lead-up to COP26. Experts and government representatives will provide an overview of the milestones in the roadmap and give insights into the private-public collaboration that can unlock faster results. 


Portrait of Lucy Seigle

Keynote speaker - Lucy Siegle, Author and journalist specialising in climate and nature

Sustainability, the only way is up. The what, the why and the how of setting goals for the biosphere. 

12.00 PM 

Lucy Siegle is a UK based journalist and broadcaster and opinion leader who specialises in climate and nature coverage. She is passionate about taking climate and nature stories outside of the climate bubble. 
She will address the 200 industry experts and sustainability leaders participating in the Ecolab sustainability event to encourage all businesses to set sustainability goals and to provide insights into how to achieve them. 
As a reporter and presenter on one of the UK's most longstanding and most watched TV shows, BBC1's The One Show, she has taken the problem of single use plastic and wider eco issues to millions of homes in a way that is relatable and relevant, and recently introduced COP26 to one of the UK's largest daily audiences. She is a published author and her latest book is due to be published in July 2022, Be the Ultimate Friend of the Earth: 100 Questions to Boost Your Climate and Nature IQ. 
Wayne Visser portrait

Keynote speaker - Dr Wayne Visser, Idea-monger, Storyteller, and Meme-weaver 

13:15 PM

Dr Wayne Visser is a globally recognized Cambridge "pracademic" and the author of 41 books, including Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society, and the Economy. His work as a champion for thriving, strategy analyst, sustainability academic, documentary filmmaker, and professional speaker has taken him to 77 countries. He has been listed as one of the world's top 10 most influential faculty thinkers on social media on issues of responsible business, a top 100 influencer on corporate social responsibility and sustainable business, a top 100 thought leader in trustworthy business, and a top 100 sustainability leader.
Dr. Visser currently serves as head tutor, fellow, and lecturer at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, as well as professor of Integrated Value at Antwerp Management School, where he holds the world's first academic chair in sustainable transformation, supported by BASF, Port of Antwerp, and Randstad. He is also a director of the think tank and media company Kaleidoscope Futures, founder of CSR International and Global Advisory Board member of Asia based BCorp, IMPACTO. Previous roles include director of Sustainability Services for KPMG and strategy analyst for Capgemini in South Africa.

Details zum Event

Demand for corporate action is ramping up. Businesses across industries are investing to turn commitment to carbon neutral goals into tangible action plans. Building sustainable infrastructure while remaining a profitable business is something that requires investment and forward thinking. No company can achieve it alone. We are all part of a complex ecosystem, and we have to work hand in hand to protect our planet's future.

Join 200+ executives from business and government to build the networks, collaborations and learning to drive our carbon neutral goals into tangible action plans.

The following topics will be discussed: 

  • Operationalizing climate & corporate goals
  • Brand protection through sustainability
  • Navigating the regulatory framework 

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved in this event, please contact us. 

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